NPL Stats

The NPL Stats page allows one to view season leaders, career leaders, and head to head stats between two players with a number of options to filter your search results. Enjoy!

  1. Single Season Leaders
  2. NPL Career Leaders
  3. Head to Head Results

NOTE: Some stats, such as Solo Soothsayer, Lonesome Loser, and Monday Magician have incomplete records in the early seasons of the NPL

2024 Season Leaders

Pick Accuracy
Rk Name Picks T-ACC
1 Josh Javelineers 150 76.00%
2 Kevin Killcows 150 73.33%
3 Rachel Wrecking Balls 160 73.13%
4 Erik Eruption 160 72.50%
5 Adam Bombs 170 71.18%
Player of the Week Awards
Rk Name Total
1 Berkenbile Baboons 2
2 Adam Bombs 1
- Samuel Sackbuts 1
- Michael Minotaurs 1
- Kevin Killcows 1
Quality Week Medals
Rk Name Medals Medal Pts
1 Rachel Wrecking Balls 12 26
2 Erik Eruption 12 25
- Josh Javelineers 13 25
4 Kelly Zeros 11 22
5 Kevin Killcows 13 21
Monday Magician Awards
Rk Name Total
1 Michael Minotaurs 4
- Kevin Killcows 4
3 Erik Eruption 3
- Laci Labeorphiles 3
- Chris Cannibals 3
Solo Soothsayer Awards
Rk Name Total
1 Laci Labeorphiles 2
2 Adam Bombs 1
- Travis Tichorrhines 1
- Samuel Sackbuts 1
- Miranda Martians 1
Lonesome Loser Awards
Rk Name Total
1 Cari Bous 7
2 Travis Tichorrhines 5
- Laci Labeorphiles 5
4 Samuel Sackbuts 4
5 DaVena Ballerinas 3
Rk Name Total
1 Josh Javelineers 8
2 Erik Eruption 7
- Adam Bombs 7
- Chris Cannibals 7
- Corey Cutthroats 7

National Picks League - All-Time Leaders

Rk Name Picks T-ACC
1 Bette Blue Tits 1278 62.21%
2 Brian Bongos 760 61.84%
3 Rachel Wrecking Balls 1568 61.42%
4 Josh Javelineers 2700 61.30%
5 Brent BB Cannons 2668 60.46%
Correct Picks
Rk Name Correct
1 Josh Javelineers 1655
2 Brent BB Cannons 1613
3 Chris Cannibals 1523
4 Jerry Jaws-of-Life 1477
5 Joel Juggernauts 1383
Monday Magician Awards
Rk Name Total
1 Berkenbile Baboons 20
2 Ricky Rock Lobsters 17
- Josh Javelineers 17
4 Brandon Braggadocios 15
- Steven Sausages 15
Solo Soothsayer Awards
Rk Name Total
1 Laci Labeorphiles 19
2 Travis Tichorrhines 11
3 Cari Bous 5
- Jason JeStErS 5
- Vince Vapulaters 5
Lonesome Loser Awards
Rk Name Total
1 Laci Labeorphiles 33
2 Travis Tichorrhines 26
3 Cari Bous 24
4 DaVena Ballerinas 9
- Vince Vapulaters 9
Quality Week Medals
Rk Name Medals Medal Pts
1 Josh Javelineers 112 172
2 Brent BB Cannons 90 141
3 Ryan Reremice 73 133
4 Jerry Jaws-of-Life 84 128
5 Chris Cannibals 81 120
Rk Name Total
1 Josh Javelineers 58
2 Jerry Jaws-of-Life 51
3 Joel Juggernauts 50
4 Rachel Wrecking Balls 49
5 Ryan Reremice 48
Player of the Week Awards
Rk Name Total
1 Jason JeStErS 20
2 Brent BB Cannons 14
3 Ryan Reremice 13
4 Josh Javelineers 12
- Michael Minotaurs 12
Road Wins
Rk Name Total
1 Brent BB Cannons 88
2 Josh Javelineers 87
3 Jerry Jaws-of-Life 77
4 Ethan Evil Entities 70
5 Chris Cannibals 67
Home Wins
Rk Name Total
1 Brent BB Cannons 86
2 Josh Javelineers 83
3 Jerry Jaws-of-Life 79
4 Chris Cannibals 77
5 Joel Juggernauts 71
Monday Madness Tiebreaker Wins
Rk Name Total
1 Josh Javelineers 42
- Brent BB Cannons 42
3 Jerry Jaws-of-Life 38
4 Ethan Evil Entities 30
5 Joel Juggernauts 29
Monday Madness Tiebreaker Losses
Rk Name Total
1 Ricky Rock Lobsters 38
2 Adam Bombs 31
3 Chris Cannibals 28
- Andrew Androids 28
5 Josh Javelineers 27

View Head to Head Results

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NOTE: Home or away stats were not tracked prior to 2016. Including that field may yield inconsistent results from player to player.