It’s Over!

by Eleanor Crosby

December 17, 2019

NPL Week Fourteen – Results!

The 2019 regular season has come to a close. The dust settles, sending 12 teams to the postseason to fight for the legendary Seer Cup trophy – currently polished and on display with the defending champion Steven Sausages. Miranda takes the Title Belt into the postseason. Ricky lives up to the Golden Rock Lobster title, with the fewest wins on the year once again. The Braggadocios ride high on an 8-game winning streak. And now the fun begins!




It could have been a much better year for Vince with consistent pick submission, but instead he ended the year on his third three-game losing streak to finish 4-10 on the year.

Lauren was the beneficiary of Vince’s absent-mindedness, claiming both Free Wins to sneak into the playoffs at 7-7, just one correct pick ahead of LeScoot. LAUREN WINS, 44-0

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Michael finished the year at 6-8 and was one of the most bipolar of performers, ranging anywhere from 3 to 8 correct on various weeks.

Ryan was one of three players in the division to end the year 9-5, good enough for a wild card spot – possibly could have finished even better had he remembered to submit picks in Week 5. RYAN WINS, 47-15

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Josh was playoff bound regardless of the outcome of this one, and finishes 5th on the season in Accuracy after seven straight weeks of 6+ correct.

Jason needed a win and a few extra correct picks to get into the postseason over Lauren, but fell just short. After an 11-3 season last year, Jason regressed to the mean – he’s averaged a 7-7 finish every year since joining in 2009. This year, he finishes 6-8. JOSH WINS, 40-25

Game decided by the Monday Madness Tiebreaker!
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Brent had a bizarre season, losing 8 of his last 10 matchups on the year. Brent had historically been a powerhouse of the Psychic Division, winning 10+ games five times. His 4-10 mark this year is a new worst, besting his 6-8 finish from 2015. His 53.7% accuracy is 2nd worst of his NPL career.

Despite 10 wins from him last year, Berkenbile actually improved in pick accuracy by 3.57%. He snags the Prophet Division title with a 9-5 record and the 3rd best accuracy of 2019. BERKENBILE WINS, 54-29

Game decided by the Monday Madness Tiebreaker!
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Cari’s career has been right around 7 wins each season, until she figured things out in 2014 and 2016. The last three years have been rough, but are trending upwards – 4 wins in 2017, 5 wins in 2018, and 6 wins here in 2019. At one point, Cari was 5-3 and things were looking good. Then reality came.

Adam was a bit streaky, getting a 3-win streak followed by a 4-loss streak which was followed by a 3-win streak. Accuracy-wise, it was his 3rd worst season, and he failed to submit twice. Could have been a completely different year with full picks. ADAM WINS, 20-0

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NPL Title Belt Match!

Miranda finished 2nd in pick accuracy and tied for the best record at 10-4. This was the best performance of Miranda’s career, topping her previous best accuracy by a whopping 6.43%. Breaking 90 correct picks is no small feat. She enters the postseason holding the NPL Title Belt, meaning the Title Belt will go to the eventual Seer Cup champion. Miranda hasn’t lost a Title Belt defense this season, so perhaps that is a sign of good things to come.

Kelly started off looking like she was going to be a bust in 2019. She lost the first four games of the season, dishing out a Free Win to Ethan in Week 3. But, aside from one other Free Win she provided (Week 11), she played well, ending the year on a 7-3 run falling just shy of the postseason. MIRANDA WINS, 35-21

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LeScoot had a nice pattern to his season, starting with Win-Win-Loss-Loss, then alternating wins and losses, before ending with Win-Win-Loss-Loss. This marks his third straight 7-7 season.

Brandon started off slow, at a 2-4 record, before ending the year on an 8-game winning streak to capture his third Psychic Division title. BRANDON WINS, 18-5

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Joel collected a couple Player of the Week badges and even had a 10-correct week back in Week 11, but his 6-8 finish marked his second straight losing season despite his personal best in accuracy at 60.71%.

Kevin had his second best season in pick accuracy (58.57%) and finished at 9-5 to snag reservation for the postseason, and his constant picking of 42 for the MM score put him at second in Average MM Difference. KEVIN WINS, 47-13

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With Jennifer sidelined for the year with a new baby, Emily stepped in and performed well for a newbie. Emily tied Jennifer’s 2nd best pick accuracy (for a full season) and finished one game up from Jennifer’s mark from last season at 7-7. She’s relieved that Jennifer will be back next season.

Meanwhile, the 2015 Seer Cup Champion, Corey, has not made the postseason, or had a winning season, since taking home the trophy. His 59.29% accuracy is among his best, but not good enough to get beyond 6-8 on the year. JENNIFER WINS, 30-27

Game decided by the Monday Madness Tiebreaker!
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It was a nice rebound year for Jerry, who had losing seasons in 2017 and 2018. He cracked 80 correct picks for the first time since 2014 and finished at 9-5 to grab a postseason spot.

Ricky tanked hard after starting 2-1 on the season, losing 10 of the last 11 games for his third time topping 10 losses in a year, but it’s not a matter of skill. Ricky lost five games despite getting 6+ correct picks, this one included. JERRY WINS, 39-38

Game decided by the Monday Madness Tiebreaker!
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Sitting at 6-3 after Week 9, DaVena had a promising shot at her third postseason appearance. But, the wheels came off in late in the season, where she lost four of her last five to just miss the postseason at 7-7.

Rachel had her worst season in terms of wins (7) but her second best season in terms of accuracy (62.14%), just narrowly missing the 90-correct milestone by three picks. She goes to the postseason as a 7-7 Wild Card – marking her 5th consecutive postseason appearance. She’s been in the league 5 years, folks. RACHEL WINS, 36-24

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The first half of Travis’s season told a different story than the second half. Starting the year 5-2, Travis was sitting in the driver’s seat of the Augur Division before struggling in the second half of the year, going 3-4 to end 2019. This is just the third winning season in 8 years in the NPL for Travis, but also his best accuracy (61.43%).

Ethan is probably the most entertaining player of the 2019 year. His 59.29% accuracy matches a career best (2013), but he did it in bursts, snagging two Gold weeks (9 correct) and one Platinum week (10 correct – this game), to counter weeks of 2, 3, and 4 correct picks otherwise. Fun fact, Ethan went 19-1 on picks when facing Travis this season. ETHAN WINS, 64-40

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Andrew struggled with pick submission once again. Despite 11 years in the league, Andrew has never submitted all 140 picks in a year – that’s an impressive streak. On seasons where he submits most of his picks, he actually has pretty decent accuracy. Still, his division mates love having those Free Wins – especially Travis, who cashed in two.

Laci ended 2019 at 5-9, but was actually in the thick of things as late as Week 10. Her second-worst accuracy (43.57%) of her career was highlighted by four Donut-badge-earning weeks of 3 or fewer correct. ANDREW WINS, 35-14

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Chris has been starving for a winning season. He hasn’t topped .500 since 2013. In 2019, Chris surpasses that mark and then some, going 10-4 on the year and posting his first 90+ correct season of his lengthy NPL career. This season pushed Chris beyond 1000 career correct picks and 100 career wins, and marks his 8th trip to the postseason.

Steven, the defending Division, Conference, and Seer Cup Champion did not have the smoothest title defense season, falling to 7-7 in 2019, after his 11-3 finish last season. Still, his 7-7 mark and third consecutive 80+ correct season propels him to his 3rd straight postseason to give him a chance at defending the hardware. But, he loses this one in PRIIIIIME TIIIIIME to his division rival. CHRIS WINS, 35-5

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Player of the Week


Ethan Evil Entities

Ethan Evil Entities

Correct: 10, Incorrect: 0, MM off by: 8

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Lonesome Loser

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  • Avatar photo the_commish says:

    Thank you, everyone, for coming out this season. I hope you had a blast this year! I am looking forward to 2020 already! You’re the best!

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