And Just Like That, It Was Gone!

by Skip Brainless

December 15, 2021

NPL Week 14 – Results!

The NPL regular season wraps up with the conclusion of week 14, but for twelve of you fuckers, you’re going on to the playoffs so you’re not done with me yet! For everyone else, thanks for playing again and I’ll talk to you next August unless you want to be friends in real life. Anyone? No one? Alright, well fuck you then. IT’S THE NPL – WEEK 14!

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The Rachel Wrecking Balls Claim Their Third Division Championship in Five Years!

by Stephen A. Smiff

December 9, 2021

NPL Week 13 – Results!

The Wrecking Balls join the Blue Tits as the only outright Division Champions in the NPL, meaning there are six divisions still up for grabs! Holy crap! The Baboons keep themselves alive with a clutch win over the Javs! The Tichorrhines activate Hard Mode by losing in Week 13! The Juggernauts and Bongos decide to wait until next week to see who gets the Oracle Division banner! The Miranda Martians are just happy to be included! It’s the NPL, Week 13!

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It’s the Final Countdown! Doo doo dee doo! Doo doo dee-doo doo!

by Evee Bubblebutt

December 3, 2021

NPL Week 12 – Results!

With the closing of Week 12, the NPL is just two short weeks from Final Standings, End of the Year Awards, and finding the keys to the NPL office’s Mini Cooper! The last one is just what we’re hoping for. That car has been collecting dust next to the NPL’s 625F HydraFlex Auger combine for months now. It’s Week 12 in the books!

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The Wrecking Balls Continue Their Epic Slide

by Lauren Ipsum

December 2, 2021

NPL Week 11 – Results!

The Berkenbile Baboons, Bette Blue Tits, and Brent BB Cannons set the standard for B teams while the Brian Bongos and Brandon Braggadocios bring down the brand. The Matt Micropolitans and Samuel Sackbuts continue to fight for that Mystic Division banner while the JeStErS and Vapulaters try to hang on for the ride! It’s the NPL, Week 11!

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The Jellyfish and the Ballerinas Lead the Charge in the Clairvoyant Conference Playoff Push

by Benedict Undersnatch

November 17, 2021

NPL Week 10 – Results!

Another record tying week in the NPL with NINE TEAMS failing to show up for their games! What is going on in the NPL? What makes 2021 the worst year in NPL history? NPL investigators are stumped, but the league rolls on with half of the games gifted to opponents. It’s the NPL, Week 10!

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