And in the streets the Berkenbile fans screamed, the DaVena fans cried, and the Cari Bous fans dreamed!

by Chester Curlybush

December 4, 2019

NPL Week Twelve – Results!

But not a word was spoken. The refs whistles all were broken.

And the three teams we admire most: the Javs, the LeScavengers, and the Braggadocios, are hunting for the playoffs and the right to boast, the day the BB Cannons died.

And they were singing, “My, my, this here Write-Up guy, did a write up where the write-up is American Pie!”

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We Took a LEAP OF FAITH and Totally NAILED It With This Write-Up

by Benedict Undersnatch

November 21, 2019

NPL Week Eleven – Results!

THE NUT JOB that made the schedule should be shot with a REVOLVER and be sent to the AFTER.LIFE for booking teams against the opponent that they (likely) played last week. Whoops. It’s the Week 11 Write-Up, starring Liam Neeson!

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By the Pricking of my Thumbs, The Week 10 Write Up This Way Comes!

by Evee Bubblebutt

November 20, 2019

NPL Week Ten – Results!

To be or not to be, that is the question. It’s the Week 10 write-up, Shakespeare style!

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Now What You Hear is Not a Test!

by Evee Bubblebutt

NPL Week Nine – Results!

I said a hip hop, hippie to the hippie, the hip, hip a hop, and you don’t stop, a rock it out, bubba to the bang bang boogie, boobie to the boogie, to the rhythm of the boogie the beat. It’s the week nine, Rapper’s Delight style!

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The NPL of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth!

by Eleanor Crosby

November 2, 2019

NPL Week Eight – Results!

It’s like any other write up, except it’s Gettysburg Address theme!

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