NPL Awards – 2021

by Eleanor Crosby

December 15, 2021

And just like that, the 2021 regular season is in the books. It seemed like just yesterday the Commish was asking people if they still wanted to play. No, I’m not talking about the annual ‘Are you in?’ text. I’m talking about the two different weeks where the NPL set and then tied the record for the most no-shows (with nine!). Squid Game had more willing participants! [pause for laughter]
Not scheduled to make an appearance at tonight’s award ceremony are the Josh Javelineers. They finished with their worst record and accuracy since 2008 and missed out on all the awards, the postseason, and happiness. Cari and Laci make their annual appearances in the Lonesome Losers and Lowest Pick Accuracy categories. Just which category they claim is entirely up to them, it seems. And our lone rookie, Samuel, went against all odds to win Rookie of the Year, but we considered giving it to Miranda, since her three wins were certainly rookie-esque. [even longer pause for laughter]
Today, we are here to announce the lucky winners of the 2021 NPL Awards! A huge congratulations to all the finalists, you have definitely set a very admiring benchmark for all these other losers to imitate. Let’s get to it!

2021 NPL Awards

The WILLIAM TELL AwardGiven to the Most Accurate Player
Jennifer (Jellyfish)59.3%

Jennifer topped the next closest competition by two more correct picks!

The HELEN KELLER AwardGiven to the Least Accurate Player
Laci (Labeorphiles)45.7%

Laci had the lowest pick accuracy percentage, while Kelly (who missed a few games) had the fewest correct picks total (57).

The OUT ON A LIMB AwardGiven to the player with the most Lonesome Loser awards
Cari (Bous)2

Cari repeats for this award, having won it last year with six.

The HATE TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO AwardGiven to the player with the most Solo Soothsayer Awards
Several Players1

Travis, Laci, Brian, and Jennifer were the only recipients of the Solo Soothsayer in 2021.

The MAD WORLD AwardGiven to the player with the most Monday Madness awards
Michael (Minotaurs)2

Michael and Cari both had two this season, but Michael submitted all 140 picks.

The I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY GET PAID FOR THIS AwardGiven to the player with the most “Are You Smarter Than ESPN?” Awards
Jerry (Jaws-of-Life)8

Jerry repeats to take this award for the second season in a row!

The JAY-Z AwardGiven to the player with the highest accuracy with a losing record
Travis (Tichorrhines)6-8, 56.4% (t-6th)

For perhaps the first time in NPL history, the winner of this award (with a losing record, mind you) actually won the division. How wild!

The KARDASHIAN Award“Success without any measurable skills.” Given to the player with the lowest accuracy and a winning record
Berkenbile (Baboons)9-5, 45.0%

Berkenbile finished 14th in the Soothsayer Conference in accuracy (27th overall), but t-3rd in wins (9) somehow. Crazy.

The HONEY, I’M WORKING LATE AT THE OFFICE AwardGiven to the player with the most games decided by the Monday Madness Tiebreaker
Bette (Blue Tits)7

For the second year in a row, there were 54 games decided by the Monday Madness Tiebreaker. Travis was the only player to not go to overtime. Bette edges out LeScoot on this one, based entirely on the next award.

The IT’S A NUMBERS GAME AwardGiven to the player that won the most Monday Madness tiebreakers.
Bette (Blue Tits)5

Bette stands alone as the only player to win five Monday Madness Tiebreakers.

The NOISY CRICKET AwardMore dangerous than they look. Given to the player that has lost the most Monday Madness tiebreakers.
Miranda (Martians)4

Miranda went to the MM Tiebreaker four times this season. She lost all four.

The WILDERNESS GIRLS AwardGiven to the player that has collected the most unique* badges.
Joel (Juggernauts)34

*Only includes badges that can be collected through luck or skill

Joel had 13 more badges than the next most decorated player.

The GOLDEN ROCK LOBSTER AwardGiven to the most deserving player to lose to the worst team
Jerry (Jaws-of-Life)

Miranda won just three games on the season. Two of her wins were over teams with losing records. One was over Jerry, who won 10 games.

The I LOVE GOOOOOLD AwardGiven to the player with the most Quality Week Medal points
(5 for Platinum, 3 for Gold, 2 for Silver, 1 for Bronze)
Travis (Tichorrhines)9 pts

A down year for this award, with no players cracking double digits. Travis had just three quality weeks on the year, but was the only player to snag a Platinum Week (10 correct) for the season, earning him the award!

The FELL OFF A CLIFF AwardGiven to a top player of the first half that crumbled in the second half
Rachel (Wrecking Balls)

Rachel was 6-1 in the first half of the season, winning her first six games of the year. She was 3-4 to close out the year, which included a 4-game losing streak. Barely hung on to win the division, but she sure tried to make it interesting!

The REPORTS OF MY DEMISE HAVE BEEN GROSSLY EXAGGERATED AwardGiven to a struggling player of the first half that rallied in the second half to make the playoffs
Berkenbile (Baboons)

Berkenbile started the year winning three of the first seven games, but rallied in the second half of the season, going 6-1 to close out the year and snag the Prophet Division banner!

The LOSERS BRACKET AwardGiven to the player that really should have a much better record
Travis (Tichorrhines)6-8

Travis was an oddity this year: he didn’t have a single game use a Monday Madness Tiebreaker, finished t-6th in Pick Accuracy (t-4th in conference), but had four quality losses (6+ correct) and finished with a losing record.

NPL Rookie of the Year AwardTop Rookie of the 2020 Season
Samuel (Sackbuts)

Nevermind that Samuel was going to win this award by default, as the only rookie on the 2021 campaign. Not only was he the best (and only) rookie, he was actually just pretty damn good period. He waltzed right in and dethroned the previous winner, Matt, by taking the Mystic Division banner home in his rookie campaign, finishing 11th in pick accuracy in the NPL. Nicely done!

NPL Player of the Year AwardTop Player of the 2021 Season
Jennifer (Jellyfish)

Jennifer takes our Player of the Year award over Bette in a very tight race. Jennifer finished at 10-4 (t-2nd in the NPL) with a 59.3% accuracy (1st), while Bette was the opposite, finishing 11-3 (1st in the NPL) with a 57.9% accuracy (t-2nd). But, Jennifer gets the nod here for a number of reasons: Jennifer managed that 10-4 record, despite dropping three games with correct picks of 8, 7, and 6 correct, all while sharing the division with a Top 4 team in DaVena (10-4 record, 5th in accuracy). Add in that one of Bette’s three losses was to Jennifer and the decision becomes a bit more clear. Fantastic year by both, but Jennifer is the NPL Player of the Year for 2021!

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