“This team is a bigger pain in the ass than my perineal abscess!”
NPL Results – Week 10!
We return to the broadcast booth this week for the sounds of the NPL. Hear the local radio hosts’ most memorable calls for Week 10. It’s the NPL Write-up, broadcaster style!
Love Is Like a Fart: If You Have to Force It, It’s Probably Crap
NPL Results – Week 9!
It seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on TV. But where are those good old-fashioned values on which we used to rely? Lucky for the writers this week, there’s a Family Guy that can provide all the quotes we need to get this article posted! It’s the NPL Write-up, Peter Griffin style!
The Wrecking Balls Knock Down Brent’s Walls
NPL Results – Week 8!
LeScoot snags their second victory of the year. The Braggadocios help kill some Tichorrhines. The Ballerinas dance over the corpses of the Eruption. And the Cannibals find little resistance in Priiiiiiime Tiiiiiiiime
Don’t Waste Your Time on Me, This Write-Ups Already the Voice Inside Your Head
NPL Results – Week 7!
You’re cold with disappointment while I’m drowning in the writing room. Fresh out of ideas and no energy to be creative, we turn to the Shakespeares (yes I pluralized it) of our lifetimes, blink-182, for our write-up inspiration! It’s the Week 7 write-up, blink style!
Vince Breaks the W-L-W-L Pattern!
NPL Results – Week 6!
The Javelineers outlast the frustrated LeScavengers! Corey and Joel put on a Priiiiiiime Tiiiiiiime offensive showcase! The BB Cannons protect the belt once again! It’s the Week 6 results, A.I. style!
It’s cheaper than hiring another writer.