The Evil Entities Are Heating Up!
NPL Results – Week 5!
The BB Cannons look to stay undefeated to keep that NPL Title Belt! The Bous and the LeScavengers are still on the search for their first wins! The Rock Lobsters continue to surprise! It’s the NPL, Week 5!
The Minotaurs Thrive in Priiiiiiime Tiiiiiiime!
NPL Results – Week 4!
The Adam Bombs blow up the undefeated Javelineers season! The Rock Lobsters emerge as one of the favorites in 2023! Brent refuses to let the NPL resize the Title Belt! And the Abactors continue their hot start to the season! It’s the NPL, Week Four!
The Androids Execute the ‘Blowout Win’ Protocol
NPL Results – Week 3!
The Eruption are still waiting for signs of volcanic activity! The Blue Tits continue to bully the Foreteller Division! The Evil Entities suck again! Jennifer sneaks into the Win column! Check their IDs! It’s the NPL, Week Three!
The Bongos Can’t Find the Rhythm So Far This Season!
NPL Week 2 – Results!
The BB Cannons polish the NPL Title Belt again this week! The Reremice cruise to an easy W! The Zeroes dish out a zero to Ethan! Axell barely outlasts the Jellyfish! And the Tichorrhines and Labeorphiles spend some extra time together in priiiiiiime tiiiiiiime! It’s the NPL, Week 2!
The Abactors Abuse the Competition
NPL Week 1 – Results!
The Erik Eruption make their NPL debut, taking on the defending NPL champions! LeScoot lays an egg! The Javelineers make easy work of a division rival! The Augur Division loves overtime! It’s the NPL, Week One!